First time at Mitsuwa Market was back in November 17, 2013 , Neo brought Bobo and I there. That was when I went crazy with the fact that they sell raw salmon at an affordable price. I had the chef sliced it for me, and already started digging in while still shopping for groceries. Yes, before I pay for it. It was 10am, salmon sashimi as breakfast, and my friend said I smell like a fish.
Yes, this was the exact picture I posted on Facebook.
This place has always been my favorite place. I do not own a car, therefore to travel here requires hours on bus and train. When I get to be here, what can I say? I am lucky enough to be here.
August 6, 2015
Superstar picked me up and it took us almost an hour to arrive. It just feels like ages, hot summer, without air conditioner, rerouting, and also I was skeptical of Superstar's driving skill (sorry). 

Finally finally! This time here, the mission is to try Santouka's ramen as recommended by Eve. It is located the food court area.
Santouka (Ramen)
Menu. (you're welcome).
Left: Toroniku with Spicy Miso Ramen $11.49 (medium)
Right: Toroniku with Salt Ramen $10.99 (medium)
So what's toroniku? It is Pork cheek meat. The lady at the cashier said it tastes really good, so why not? A little adventure in food is never a bad thing.
Close up look at the pork cheek meat, with bamboo, onions, a slice of narutomaki (the pink fish cake), a tiny plum, and some black fungus.
Superstar ordered Soy Sauce flavored egg too. Fresh. $0.99
For presentation purposes, I placed all the ingredients in the ramen bowl.
Itadakimasu! (Let's start eating)
Total bill came out to be $25.88 including tax.
Comment: This medium bowl of ramen is sufficient for me, love both of the salty and spicy soup, ramen is Q, pork cheek meat is really tenderrrrrrr! Rate it 4.5 stars!
Re Leaf
Superstar been longing for this green tea ice-cream, and finally his wish has came true.
I have eaten matcha (green tea) ice-cream, so I wasn't crazy about it.
This one here is good :) If you have not tried it, I would recommend you to give it a try.
Pastry House Hippo
Next stop: the pastry house located right next to the food court, called the Pastry House Hippo.
Eve recommended me to try their bread. She told me that she has never bought any other brand ever since she has tried the bread here.
Out of curiosity, I decided to give it a try. I got the No Crust Shokupan and Superstar got Marble the Coffee Bread.
These bread are no joke! They are so SOFT like a pillow, like goose feather, like baby cheek. They taste really good! The all wheat bread that I got it from the normal supermarket, they molded after a few days (during summer). This bread here stay fresh and white. But to be safe, I still kept them in the fridge after that; whenever I want a slice, I can just toast it- still taste perfectly well.
I did not get to try the coffee bread, but Superstar and Eve say that it tastes good. Beware though, once you have tried these bread, you might not want to try any other bread.

Besides loaves of bread, this pastry house has other bread and dessert as well. I always love this kind of bakery store, everything made fresh and lots of varieties. Highly recommended.
Then of course, a trip here means "I must get something from the market no matter what". Usually I will buy sashimi and natto (fermented soybean), sometimes snacks and beauty products. From Japan yo! No joke ;)
The view from the pastry house.
I have tried tons of nattos from Mitsuwa Market, do visit back for my upcoming post, review on different brands of nattos.
Ciao for now.