Saturday, July 25, 2015

Snow Dragon- Shavery & Yogurt

July 17, 2015

This is what I've been craving for!!! I'm a shaved snow person, as compared to bingsu (shaved ice). I am always around this area for yoga and I can't believe I just found out about this place. Bringing my super excited tummy and smiley face here.

Snow Dragon_Lincoln Park Chicago_by black apple

Ordered a combo; and they have a dollar off for green tea and yam flavor. Both are my favorite, Perfecto!  So with this combo, I get to choose 3 toppings and a drizzle. There are a lot of choices to choose from. I've chosen red bean and strawberry with chocolate drizzle, and Superstar chose lychee jelly.

Snow Dragon_Green Tea and Yam_shaved snow_Lincoln Park Chicago_by black apple
Shaved Snow- green tea & yam 
Comments: If you could see my face when I have this plate served in front of me, you might stay 5 feet away from me dislike smileyThe presentation is superrrrrr disappointing. Flatten shaved snow. The yam started to melt when he was taking his time to find the green tea flavor.  Strawberry tastes just fine, red bean and lychee jelly both are way toooooooooo sweet that it causes headache. down smiley But wait, the shaved snow are very good, really- reminds me of home. Just that improvements for toppings need to be made.

 Better Half ordered mango flavor, with both different kinds of jelly & condensed milk drizzle.
Snow Dragon_mango_shaved snow_Lincoln Park Chicago_by black apple
Shaved snow- Mango
Presentation is definitely better. Mango flavor with condensed milk gives a milky and sticky feeling.Those jellies aren't too sweet, they taste great!

If I were to choose the flavor of shaved snow, I would still go for green tea and yam, but with these jellies.

Snow Dragon_green tea_Lincoln Park Chicago_by black apple
Green Tea
This teapot caught our attention, it's like our entertainment of the night. There is even a video of me doing magic with this teapot and the tea LOL.

Ok, joke aside. First visit Snow Dragon wasn't as expected. So far there is no shaved snow in town that I've known of, and yes I will definitely go back, hoping for better toppings and nicer presentation  I have faith.

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